Hayek and Friedman Live Together in a City: Political Economic Control Fraud as the Method of Governance Demanded by the Logic of Neoliberal Political Economy
Devin T. Rafferty
Recognition and Redistribution: Finding Common Ground between Two Conceptions of Freedom
Michael E. Snyder
Social Activists as Altruists (And Where Titmuss Comes In): Smothering the Fire They’re Trying to Kindle
Laura Wharton
Rebellious Publishing in the Aspiring Sciences
Melissa F. Lavin
Book Review: Keith B. Kerr, B. Garrick Harden, and Marcus Aldredge (ed.), David Riesman’s Unpublished Writings and Continuing Legacy. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate Publishing, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-472-42848-6 (Paperback). 293 Pages. $97.60.
Richard Gilman-Opalsky
Book Review: Patrisia Macias-Rojas, From Deportation to Prison: The Politics of Immigration Enforcement in Post-Civil Rights America. New York: NYU Press, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-479-83118-0 (Paperback). 240 Pages. $28.00.
James E. Sutton
Book Review: Charles Campbell, Serving Time Together: Men and Women in Prison. Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian University, 1980. ISBN: 978-0-912-6465-41 (Paperback). 279 Pages. $16.00.
Robert M. Worley and Jim P. Mann