Panopticism and Totalitarian Space
Saladdin Ahmed
States as Instruments of Anarchism
Brian D. Williams
El anti-don Juan de Valle-Inclán, García Márquez y Mayra Montero en las Sonatas, Memoria de mis putas tristes y Púrpura profundo
William O. Deaver
Julian Assange, the UN and the limits of Detention
Binoy Kampmark
Book Review: John Asimakopoulos, Social Structures of Direct Democracy: On the Political Economy of Equity. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-60846-492-0 (Paperback). 213 Pages. $28.00.
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Robert M. Worley
Book Review: Hofmann, Susanne and Adi Moreno, eds. Intimate Economies: Bodies, Emotions, and Sexualities on the Global Market. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-137-56035-3 (Hardback). 259 Pages. $99.00.
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Garrick Harden
Book Review: Sara Wakefield and Christopher Wildeman, Children of the Prison Boom: Mass Incarceration and the Future of American Inequality. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780190624590 (Paperback). 231 pages. $26.95.
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Robert J. Durán