Kafka in the Bronx
Ali Shehzad Zaidi
José Donoso: Re-writing the Apocalypse
Rodica Grigore
Kalief Browder and the Eclipse of the Public Good
Ali Shehzad Zaid
Book Review: Anne Farrow, Joel Lang, and Jenifer Frank, Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery. New York: Ballantine Books. 2005.
Reviewed by Gary L. Grizzle
Book Review: Merry Morash, In a Box Gender-Responsive Reform, Mass Community Supervision, and Neoliberal Policies. University of California Press. 2024.
Reviewed by David R. Camacho
Book Review: Enzo Yaksic, Killer Data: Modern Perspectives on Serial Murder. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group: New York. 2022.
Reviewed by Eugene A. Kavanagh
Book Review: Calvin J. Smiley, Purgatory Citizenship Reentry, Race, and Abolition. University of California Press: Oakland. 2023.
Reviewed by Kathleen J. Joachim
Book Review: Mitchel P. Roth, Man with the Killer Smile: The Life and Crimes of a Serial Mass Murderer. University of North Texas Press. 2022.
Reviewed by Jessica Kreitzman
Book Review: Jamie Fader, On Shifting Ground: Constructing Manhood on the Margins. University of California Press. 2023.
Reviewed by Kristian J. Argüelles
Book Review: Brandon L. Garrett, Autopsy of a Crime Lab: Exposing the Flaws in Forensics. University of California Press: California. 2021.
Reviewed by Adam J. Milne