Ali Shehzad Zaidi is the Director of Publications at the Transformative Studies Institute. Zaidi was also the Vice President of the Southeast European Studies Association (2009-2013): He currently teaches as an associate professor of humanities at the State University of New York at Canton. Zaidi holds a masters degree in English literature from the University of Peshawar (Pakistan), a masters degree in Spanish literature from Queens College (City University of New York) and a doctorate in comparative literature from the University of Rochester. Zaidi has published comparative studies on Shakespeare and Calderón in Studies in Philology, Hispanófila, Bulletin of the Comediantes, and The Grove. His essays on the fantastic fiction of Mircea Eliade have appeared in Balkanistica, Neohelicon,Interlitteraria, and International Journal on Humanistic Ideology. Zaidi has written extensively on higher education in New York, publishing in Against The Current, Z, New Politics, Monthly Review, Covert Action Quarterly, Dollars and Sense, Political Affairs, and New Politics. In 2000, his investigative reporting on medical experimentation at the University of Rochester won an honorable mention from Project Censored.