TSI Press


The Transformative Studies Institute Press is accepting high quality manuscript submissions and book proposals that reflect the mission of TSI.

What we accept:

Scholarly and activist book proposals from all fields and theoretical backgrounds. We especially seek works in which theoretical analysis fosters societal change or in which practical experience guides theoretical research and / or promotes social justice broadly defined.

What we do not accept:

Graphic novels, apolitical memoirs, self-help manuals, esoteric philosophy, photography, audio books, and works that do not reflect the progressive nature and goals of TSI.

Please do not send hard copies or email attachments of your proposal. We only accept proposals through our online submissions process.

Click here for the book Proposal Guidelines page

IF and ONLY TSI finds that your work bodes with our scholarly and activist mission, we will contact you. Please do not call or email us asking for the status of your manuscript. Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming number of manuscript submissions and queries, we are unable to reply to all submissions.

Thank you for sharing your vision with TSI Press.

Click here for the book Proposal Submission page