Special Edition: Mirrors and Labyrinths in Literature
Guest Editors: Rodica Grigore and Jay Corwin
In Loving Memory:
Dr. William Ormond Deaver, Jr.
Professor of Spanish, Georgia Southern University
1960 – 2019
Introduction: Mirrors, Labyrinths and Friends
Jay Corwin
In Memory of William Ormond Deaver, Jr.
Ali Shehzad Zaidi
Bierce, Bioy Casares, and Borges:The Mirrors and Labyrinths of Intertextuality
William Deaver
The Man Who Shot Ana Hatherly
Rui Zink
The Warring Brothers: Borges Reads Kafka and Flaubert
Daniel Balderston
Laberinto, monstruo, espejo. In speculo nulla est redemptio
(Labyrinth, Monster, Mirror. In speculo nulla est redemptio)
Rafael Ángel Herra
La fauna especular de Jorge Luis Borges
(The Specular Fauna of Jorge Luis Borges)
Fernando Valerio-Holguín
Espejos, contradicciones y paradojas en Los espejos comunicantes, de Óscar Hahn
(Mirrors, Contradictions and Paradoxes in Los espejos comunicantes, by Óscar Hahn)
Manuel Cortés Castañeda
Gabriel García Márquez, History and the Labyrinth of Literature
Rodica Grigore
The Symptomatic Narrative in Robbe-Grillet’s In the Labyrinth
Fevronia Novac
“Emma Zunz” in the Mirror and the Labyrinth
Jay Corwin
Borges and the Politics of Language in the 1920s
Christopher D. Warnes Pacheco
Book Review: Jack Levin and Julia B. Wiest, Premediated Murder: Why Some People Plan to Kill. 1st Edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 2018. – Free Content
Reviewed by David A Blackmon
Book Review: A.S. Vitale, The End of Policing. New York: Verso. 2017. – Free Content
Reviewed by Thomas Dutcher