VOLUME 16, NUMBER 3, JULY 31, 2023


Know Justice, Know Peace: Reflections from a community-based, action research collective
Tessa Hicks Peterson, Therese-Julia Uy, Claudia Vanessa Reyes, Dalia Paris-Saper and Keely Nguyen
Death as a Hidden Gem in Mircea Eliade’s “The Trenches”
Ali Shehzad Zaidi
Les Trois Grâces and Mircea Eliade’s Metaphysical Attempt to Control Illness
Fevronia Novac
Qudratullah Shahab Translated by Yasmeen Razi Zaidi
Violent Crime and Destiny Control: Theorizing a Missing Variable in Criminology
Todd Greene
Book Review: Michael Fiddler, Theo Kindynis, Travis Linnemann, Ghost Criminology: The Afterlife of Crime and Punishment. New York: New York University Press. 2022.  Free Content – Free Content
Reviewed by Sean Herp
Book Review: Carissa Byrne Hessick, Punishment Without Trial: Why Plea Bargaining is a Bad Deal. New York: Abrams Press. 2021.  Free Content – Free Content
Kennedy Suzette Ratcliff