Special Issue: Journeys and Quests

Guest Editors:  Rodica Grigore & Jay Corwin


Introduction: Journeys and Quests
Rodica Grigore

My Journey with Calvino
Rui Zink

Impressions of a Brazilian in New Delhi
Fabio Akcelrud Durão (Translated by Tauan Tinti)

Peripheral Orientalism and the Creation of Arab Literary Precursors in
Quinteto de Mogador by Alberto Ruy Sánchez
Ignacio López-Calvo

A Journey to the Self: The Quest for Identity in Clarice Lispector’s Fiction
Rodica Grigore

Quests for a Change of Territories: Forms of Dystopia and Transfiction in
La autopista: the movie, by Jorge Enrique Lage
Nanne Timmer

Horizons and Landscapes
Pedro Serrano

Un viaje a la literatura. Confesiones de un lector
(A Journey to Literature. Confessions of a Reader)
Alonso Cueto

Ir, regresar, quedarse, o tres formas de inventar el mundo
(Go, Return, Stay or Three Forms of Inventing of the World)
Rafael Ángel Herra

Los viajes del Barón von Humboldt a Cuba: vistas/visitas de su narrativa personal
(Baron von Humboldt’s Travels to Cuba: Views/Visits from his Personal Narrative)
 Fernando Valerio-Holguín

A Message from the Theory in Action Book Review Editor  Free Content – Free Content
Robert M. Worley

Book Review: Justin Brooks, You Might Go to Prison, Even Though You’re Innocent. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. 2023 Free Content – Free Content
Reviewed by Matthew Jahnge

Book Review: Justin Brooks, You Might Go to Prison, Even Though You’re Innocent. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. 2023 Free Content – Free Content
Reviewed by Tighe J. Bontempo

Book Review: Justin Brooks, You Might Go to Prison, Even Though You’re Innocent. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. 2023 Free Content – Free Content
Reviewed by Kevin E. Holmwood